Tools for Graduates

Graduating tailors, builders, hairdressers and mechanics need the tools of their trade so they can support themselves and their extended families. Hope St supports ORA Uganda’s child sponsorship program which nurtures and educates rural orphans and vulnerable children, and also Hope Focus Uganda’s work rescuing street children at risk of being trafficked. These programs have a strong emphasis on teaching life skills so that children become capable and contributing community members. Support continues until the youth has attained a trade qualification, diploma or degree. With a trade or qualification youth can provide for themselves and their families, and stop the poverty cycle. Sponsorship graduates are teachers, nurses, engineers, builders and medical students. Some graduates now sponsor local children themselves. However, an education is not quite enough when your family lives in poverty and you cannot afford to purchase the tools of your trade. We currently have 32 Ugandan youth finishing their vocational training courses, and want to provide tools for them so they can use the skills they’ve acquired to earn money to support their families. Cost per Student: Tailor $300 Carpenter $375 Builder $150 Electrician $250 Hairdresser $100 Mechanic $425 Weaver $350


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Donation Total: $50