Keepthe childrenin school
We urgently need to cover school fees, medical fees and staff wages, until we can find sponsors for 59 children
Together let's make sure all the children can stay in school
Hope St highly values ORA Uganda and the amazing work they are doing within their community – all on the smell of an oily rag. So we were shocked in July by the sudden decision of a European organisation to stop supporting ORA Uganda. This includes sponsorship of many children, all from impoverished families that cannot afford to educate their children or pay for basic health care.
Hope Street personnel have spent quite some time with the ORA Uganda team over the last few months, including getting up for a video call at 2am one morning. We are trying to work out how we can keep the children who were supported by the European organisation on the program. It’s our goal that no child should drop out of school, but we need help to achieve this.
We urgently need funds to cover school fees, medical fees and staff wages, until we can find sponsors for 59 children.
TOGETHER we can make sure all the children on this sponsorship journey grow in faith, love and care, and are able to support themselves and many others when they graduate.
How you can help:
- A one-off donation to tide us over.
- Commit to a regular monthly payment.
- Sponsor a child.
- Spread the word… tell others of this urgent need and put them in touch with Hope St.
Key ORA Uganda personnel
Eliakim, Anthony and Lillian are the key members of the ORA Uganda team.
Eliakim is the Board chair. He was at a conference of secondary school principals when he heard the news. His friends took one look at his face and thought someone had died. They prayed with him.
Anthony, the director, told us he was speechless when he read the news. His immediate thoughts where, ‘What will I tell these children? What will I tell the community? Will the whole program need to close down?’
Eliakim, Anthony and Lillian have met, prayed and counselled each other. They are determined to do all they can to ensure all the children can stay at school.
Lillian, the sponsorship coordinator, said she was reminded of Proverbs 22:6 ‘Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their life.’
These three have met with the full ORA Uganda Board to see how they can modify their sponsorship program for a season, to ensure school fees and medical care for ALL sponsored children can be covered until Hope St can find the extra 59 sponsors. Please pray for them.