In 2017, the Hope Focus team encountered an eleven-year-old girl named Mercy on the streets of Arua. A visit to Mercy’s home revealed why she was on the streets: Her grandmother was her sole guardian but was brewing illegal alcohol and often becoming drunk, beating Mercy on a regular basis. There was little food and no money for the children to attend school. Mercy had turned to the streets in search of food and a safe refuge from the beatings. The Hope Focus team quickly moved Mercy into the Hope Focus home for safeguarding from potential harm and child-trafficking.

In July 2023 the team prevented the attempted child-trafficking of Mercy from the Hope Focus base. A driver attempted to take Mercy off base, claiming to have been sent by her guardians. The Hope Focus team are extremely vigilant about child safety and followed protocol. They immediately contacted Mercy’s guardians, and when the family confirmed they had not requested her collection, the police were called and the man arrested. The driver later revealed he had been sent by another man who wished to marry Mercy and move her to his home without her consent. Hope Focus Uganda were able to prevent this trafficking and continue to protect Mercy so that she can complete her education and flourish in a safe and loving environment.

Mercy started a vocational training course in July and is working toward achieving her goal of becoming a tailor. Hope Focus Uganda are continuing to support Mercy during her training and will supply a vocational tool starting-package when she graduates – in this case, a sewing machine. Hope Focus continues to stand by children like Mercy as they transition into providing for themselves and their communities.

Meet Desire

Desire is on the ORA Uganda sponsorship programme and was previously sponsored by an organisation in Austria. Unfortunately, the organisation ceased sponsorship in 2022, leaving

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Meet Owen

Owen sends his heartfelt thanks to Hope St supporters, saying, “Thank you, God bless you. Thank you for helping us.”   Owen is on the ORA

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Meet Opileni

Opileni is on the ORA Uganda sponsorship programme and was previously sponsored by an organisation in Austria. Unfortunately, the organisation ceased sponsorship in 2022, leaving

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