Urgent child protection need

The need is urgent for a new security fence for the ORA Uganda base. Earlier this year, the local government widened the road and in doing so has removed ORA’s fence and a thorn hedge. The fence provided security for the most vulnerable children who require safe, secure accommodation inn the ORA Uganda care home; children who are HIV positive or have other illnesses, children who are at risk in their own home for one reason or another. 

The government regulations for the home require it to be fenced. And it currently isn’t, so there is a risk the government will close the homes down. 

Local community leaders have told me how important this residential care home is. One even told me that children are alive, who they never thought would live, because of these homes. 

The fence will also give security for agricultural programs. ORA Uganda currently grows crops to feed children. They previously had agricultural demonstration plots as well. However, theft by passers-by and destruction of crops by neighbours’ goats and cattle have been discouraging obstacles for the ORA Uganda team. 

Pineapple and beans

Meet Patrick

Patrick is in Primary 3 (NZ equivalent year 3). His favourite subject is English, which he is learning as a second language. He wants to

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Flavia’s Story

By Megan McPherson, Hope St Board MemberI first met Flavia in 2011, when she was a young girl living on the street. I was in

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